Thursday 6 August 2015

Summer Hit: Afrodita Marmelada -Fast Tanning Jam

This summer, it seems that everyone has gone crazy for tan enhancing products, and lately the Afrodita's Jam seems to be harder to find than true love. I was lucky and bought it at the beginning of the summer when the product wasn't all that hyped up yet.

I wanted to thoroughly test it before sharing my opinion of it, and now I think I have enough experience to tell you how I feel about it.

First of all, let me just quickly address a very important issue. Even though bronze skin seems to be extremely popular, I would like to urge you to take care of your skin and be sure to always use a product with SPF before going outside. There are so many dangerous side effect of sun exposure and the bronze skin simply isn't worth the risk.  The Afrodita’s JAM doesn't have any SPF so make sure to use some before applying it!

I myself don't really sunbathe. When I am at the beach, I prefer to stay in the shade and therefore only spend time at direct sunlight when I am in the water. But, don't forget that sun rays can just as easily affect you in the shade. That doesn't only mean that you should wear your SPF in the shade as well, but also that you can get some tan in the shade as well.

My skin has always been on the darker side, even though it's much lighter in the winter, it always has a distinct dark and olive undertone. Because of that, I tend to tan quite easily even when I don't spend much time in the sun.

The reason I wanted to try out the Afrodita Jam was to see, if it can help me develop a nicer, even tan. With that in mind, I was still using my SPF, but also added a thin layer of the jam on top. (the instructions suggest a generous layer, but I surely don't enjoy feeling sticky and slippery, therefore thin layers are a way to go in my opinion!).

The scent of the product is a big plus for me, very sweet and vanilla, but not overwhelming and it lasts on the skin for quite a while (or at least until your first dip in the water). When applied in thin layers, the product partially sinks into the sink but leaves behing a thin film. Due to the slight color of the product, it leaves your skin looking healthy, glowing and ever so slightly bronzed. Even after a long time in the water, there is still some product left on the skin and that can be quickly removed in the shower. I find that I only need to apply it once a day to still feel some of it on the skin when I get back from the beach.

The effects of the product are just what I wanted them to be. After a week of everyday use by the seaside, I noticed that my tan is more even and a sligtly nicer color than the years before.  There are also some added benefits that I didn't expect from the product. Because of it's jam-y texture, the product is very moisturising and nourishing, and my skin feels hydrated, firm and smooth after each day.

I must add that the effect will probably vary, depending on your skin type and color –the product is not suitable for people with sensitive or very fair skin, and it will probably work best on skin types that tan easily. I wouldn't suggest spending too much time in the sun when wearing this product, but when used in moderation and combined with enough SPF, this can help you develop a beautiful tan.

So, is the product worth the hype?
For me and my skin type, the product is a great way to enhance my tan without spending too much time in the sun, and it became a permanent inhabitant of my beach bag. Make sure the product will suit your skin type and to use enough SPF when using it, and it might just proove to be on of your favorite summer products!

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!


your Beautysaur

1 comment:

  1. Super, da si jo tako dolgo preizkušala :) Sama sem jo na žalost uspela samo včeraj, ker na žalost na morje ne grem ... Sem sicer zelo bele polti, sonce me prej opeče kot karkoli druga. Sicer zmeraj uporabim najmanj ZF 30, tako kot zdaj. Sem se pa včeraj v senci že veselila, ko sem videla to porjavelost. Ampak je na soncu potem čisto druga zgodba. Vse skupaj sem bila na soncu kakšnih slabih 6 ur, v največji vročini sem se zadrževala v senci. Nekaj barve sem sicer dobila, ampak moje noge so še zmeraj enako bele :D Z njimi imam vedno problem. Ampak ja, v enem dnevu ne moreš ravno veliko pričakovati, čeprav so nekatere punce govorile, da so v enem dnevu s pomočjo marmelade dobile toliko barve kot bi jo brez nje po treh dneh sončenja.


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